running these days

Last week at work there was a slow afternoon-not a single person eating in the restaraunt. Somehow, through conversation, I challenged a coworker to a race. We went outside to our patio where there is a courtyard and had a foot race-maybe 100 feet-not far at all. And I lost. Why I thought I would win is beyond me…I have endurance, the ability (maybe more willingness) to gut it out and run for a long time, but I do not have speed. To make matters worse, this guy is a smoker and had just eaten lunch. I told him I got beat by a preggers smoker. Great.

But I don’t run because I’m fast. I don’t run for the speed or thrill of winning a race. I run because it clears my head. Because I love how I feel afterwards-the ache of my muslces, the sense of accomplishment. I run because I’m blessed with a body that works and lets me push it. There is a sense of freedom in running, outside of races or times or pace. I didn’t start running to be competitive or to achieve something, but simply to run for the sake of doing it.

Reading this book on running:14 Minutes: A Running Legend's Life and Death and Life

I’m not far enough in yet to have a definite opinion, but he seems to be telling more than just his story-he incorporates a lot about history, about running in general. Enjoying it thus far!

And I want to run this race: Any takers to join me??

About thegypsycook

I'm a 22 year old who just graduated college and moved to Dallas to look for a job and help out my 75(!)year-old cousin. I'm a type 1 diabetic runner and I love being in the kitchen-cooking, baking, cleaning.
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